JESUS Caractors

Jesus Caractors

Jesus Character

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Why do we say that the ‘backward S’ of C6 (and others) represents the name of Jesus?

LOGIC OF CHARACTER INTERPRETATION:  The Jesus character (C6, etc.) is made up of four abbreviated Egyptian characters which are ordered from top to bottom as:  ’caused-to-be’ ‘tongue’ ‘of’  and ‘Lord.’   The combination of ’caused-to-be-tongue’ means ‘word.’ (Think of ‘tongue’ as referring to that which is spoken and ’caused-to-be-tongue’ means ‘CAUSED-TO-BE SPOKEN’ and that which is spoken is a ‘WORD.’)  The entire meaning of the Jesus character is then, ‘WORD OF LORD’ or ‘WORD OF GOD.’

The Bible (King James Version) uses the specific term ‘Word of God’ in several different ways.  In 1 Sam 9:27 Samuel is speaking to King Saul and says, ‘stand thou still…that I may shew thee the word of God.’  Samuel is speaking of the inspiration that the Lord has laid upon him as a prophet and the use in 1 Kings 12:22, 1 Kings 14:25, 1 Chron 17:3, Ezek 6:3, have the same meaning (and there are multiple uses of ‘Word of Lord’ and ‘Word of the Lord God’ which we will not cite by verse because they are so abundant).

In the New Testament, there are examples in which ‘word of God’ is referring to the written record of the Old Testament which was the only part of the Bible in existence at the time of the Apostles.  Two of these (Mark 7:13 and Luke 4:4) are attributed to Jesus himself.  In Luke 5:1 and 8:11, 21 , 11:25, Jesus appears to be speaking of ALL of, the inspired word received by way of inspired revelation to non-prophet individuals, of the new teachings that Jesus is giving, AND from the writings of the Old Testament.  In John 10:35 Jesus is teaching of the written scriptures.

In the book of Acts 4:31, 6:2, 7, 8:14, 11:1, 12:24, 13:5, 7, 26, 44, 46, 17:13, 18:11, 19:20, the author (Luke) is consistently using ‘Word of God’ to be the teachings of the apostles regarding Jesus.  In the letters of the apostles it means the same thing, the teachings of the apostles (1 Cor 14:36, 2 Cor 4:2, Eph 6:17, Col 1:25, 1 Thes 2:13, 1 Tim 4:5, 2 Tim 2:9, Titus 2:5, Heb 4:12, 6:5, 13:7, 1 John 2:14).  1 Pet 1:22 may refer either to the inspired word imparted to an individual, or to the written word in the Old Testament, for the context would be agreeable with either interpretation.

In 2 Pet 3:5, Peter is referring back to the Word of God which called forth the creation of the universe in the book of Genesis.

But it is the usage of John 1:1-5, which shows that Jesus IS the Word.  In Revelation the term ‘Word of God’ is used four times in relation to the testimony of Jesus (1:2, 9, 6:9, 20:4) and finally, ‘Word of God’ refers to Jesus himself in 19:13.

To the Book of Mormon Nephites, ‘Word of God’ referred to Jesus himself and that is how they wrote the name of Jesus.

ADDED ELEMENTS:  The character that represents the name of Jesus is at C6, G10 and G22.  These three simply mean ‘Jesus’ while the other Jesus-characters include more information.  For example the more complex characters at C15, D9 and F1 show additional appendages to the ‘backward S’ of Jesus.  The respective meanings of these characters are: Jesus Lord testimony plates; from Jesus; and Jesus Christ Lord of.

The message in the Caractors Transcript is not written in an alphabet and does not represent the sounds of a spoken language–it is a logographic script which conveys meaning.  The ‘Word of God’ group of characters, is quite descriptive of Jesus as Creator, for He was the One who SPOKE a few words to call the universe into being (Gen 1; John 1); He is the One who SPEAKS  to prophets and apostles, and COMMANDS or INSPIRES the recording of scripture.   Jesus IS very appropriately identified as the ‘Word of God.’

Note that Character F1 is a part of the string F1 to F8 which says ‘Jesus Christ Lord of [F1] testimony [F2] Judah [F3] people [F4]  of King heir Lord [F5] by commandment [F6] tribes [F7] of Israel [F8]  which we interpret as meaning ‘Jesus Christ, Lord of testimony to the people of Judah (the Jews), is the Son of God, by commandment, for the tribes of Israel.’
