You will find three books in this web site. These books are free and you may download them for study with no concerns for violating copyrights. My only concern is that if you DO download them, that you make no attempt to modify the content to make any of them say what I do not intend for them to say.
I am very introspective, both in Religion and Science. I do not believe that every word in the Bible is the Word of God, for the Bible is a record of God’s dealings with very fragile men and how those men made many mistakes. Nevertheless, I do tend to trust what the Bible says as guidance about how I should live my life. My feelings about Science are similar, for I believe that the Holy Spirit often leads me to find TRUTH wherever I can find it.
When I study the Bible and find a theological point that disagrees with what some religious theologian has concluded, I ask why the Bible would disagree with itself. My basic assumption is that God’s Word should NOT disagree with itself, so I search for answers to why some man has concluded some theological point that disagrees with another part of the Bible. Thus, I try to search for theology, with the Bible, AS A WHOLE, in mind. The legal profession uses the concept of the preponderance of evidence because it is sometimes impossible to come to a definitive conclusion (the ‘smoking gun’) regarding a particular point of contention. I try to use the same approach when studying the Bible.
The three books in this web site are:
‘Order from Chaos’ which deals with the translation of what I call the Caractors Transcript which was written in the Hebrew language using ‘Reformed Egyptian’ characters roughly around 400 AD. Here, I show how the original writers used Egyptian hieroglyphics as their source of meaning.

‘What does the Bible say about Life After Death?’ The Bible says a WHOLE LOT MORE about the subject than most people believe. For example, The Bible identifies at least FOUR different places that most people would call, ‘Hell.’ And they are NOT the same place as a careful reading of the Bible reveals. It also identifies FIVE different places the average Christian would call ‘Heaven.’ I tie all of them together in a diagram that covers the content of Revelation 20, a book that most Christians shy away from because they do not understand it.
[Insert link to LAD book.]
‘Theory of Particle Structure (TOPS)’ introduces the reader to a whole new approach to the structure of the tiny particles that make up an atom. Therein, I postulate the possible existence of particles tinier than a quark or electron. If the current theories of quantum mechanics, electro-quantum mechanics, or string theory leave you questioning the sanity of Science, this is the book for you. No, TOPS is not so theoretical that a deep background in advanced university physics courses is necessary. All you need is a grounding in Newtonian Physics to make sense of some of the ‘weirdness’ of the quantum world.
You may not agree with me on all of these books, but, ALL of them will force you to think about old things in new ways. I am willing to discuss all of this material with interested people and offer my email address so we can discuss ‘beyond the Books.’
Blair Bryant