[The following testimony was written in 1999, some five years following the described experience. Today, it is another 16 years later and I am now in my 80s. Some of the following text is slightly inconsistent with today’s improved understanding of the text, but for this blog, most of the original wording of this testimony has been left intact–it is essentially the same as I wrote it in 1999. In spite of the many minor changes, the translation remains essentially the same as in 1999, but during that time, I have discovered many nuances that have improved my understanding of the overall message. {In some places, I have inserted comments in brackets {}, such as this one, to update with today’s understanding, but for the most part, the translation is the same as it was in 1999. The most up-to-date translation will be found elsewhere in this site by the time we finish site construction. The reader is encouraged to find my changes and confirm that the message is still the same.} To me, it is still ‘A GIFT OF GOD!’ AND the translation is still not quite finished. I trust God that others will pick up my formative work and complete the task: To the HONOR and the GLORY OF GOD! All Praises to HIS NAME! BBB, April 13, 2015]
A First-Person Testimony about the discovery of the key and Development of the Translation
There are three requirements to deciphering any unknown writing. One must:
- believe that the writing has meaning and CAN be deciphered, for one will be unable to find any meaning in symbols which he firmly believes are meaningless;
- have a known source to compare and match to find the intended meaning;
- determine the method/rules of reading the characters.
Following is a description of how I was led to break the code of ‘reformed Egyptian’ characters in the Caractors Transcript, {which I will frequently refer to as ‘the CT’}.
I have always believed that the Caractors Transcripts held a message from the Book of Mormon and thus I was prepared to search for the meaning. The method of reading the characters (as words rather than alphabetic characters, and read from right-to-left) was revealed to me on the first night (May 17-18, 1994) when I first found the key in the last four characters which I then knew meant ‘by the gift of God.’ Thus, I had the first and third requirements for breaking an unknown script in hand.
It is quite true that I used my understanding of the Book of Mormon in interpreting the unique characters. I do not consider this approach to be a shortcoming, but rather a necessity, for that was my known source, and as far as is known today, it is the ONLY source which could be used. The Book of Mormon provided the second requirement for reading the unknown text.
There were only five simple words (PRIMITIVEs {which I now call ‘ROOTS’ andI will now change all instances of ‘PRIMITIVE’ to ROOT throughout the text}) revealed to me that first night: from [A9], the [A10], plates [A11], of [A12], and and [C24]. The other portions were phrases or words which later turned out to be combinations of the basic characters which I term ROOTs: by the gift of God [G46-G49], by the gift and power of God [F17-F20], an account by Mormon [A1-A4], Nephi [A13], Laman [B8], prophecy [B22], and revelation [B23]. All other characters had to be deciphered from the meaning of those few words and phrases which had been given to me. At this point I must say that I firmly believe that it was the Spirit of God which revealed those key words and phrases to me. I can account for it in no other way. This understanding was far beyond the ability of my unaided human intellect.
In May 1994, I was visiting Verda E. Bryant, my widowed mother in Independence, Missouri. She was getting ready to move from her home, and into an apartment in my sister’s new home, and I had volunteered to help her in cleaning out the old basement and getting rid of her many years of accumulated memorabilia.
{Feb 17, 2021: I have now prepared a video presentation of my experience which you may find at:
This video includes much background material which paved the way for what happened to me in May of 1994. It is much more detailed than this written testimony. bbb Feb 17,2021}
I had been working for the US Army in Germany, and had received an early retirement because of the drawdown of troops in Europe, and the subsequent reduced need for civilians in the work force. I had returned to the States, and attended the World Conference and the dedication of the newly constructed Temple in Independence, MO in early April 1994. Following Conference, Mom and I started cleaning. I can’t recount here all of the background of the moving experience which gave me the key to understanding the Caractors Transcript. I will simply describe events immediately preceding the experience.
I had been digging through some old work, done by my father Stele A Bryant, while he worked for the Community of Christ World Church Headquarters in the Audiovisual Department. Several items in my dad’s old workroom seemed to demand my attention, and I could not bear to part with them. They were not the usual type of personal items which would be expected to invoke memories of the recent dead. Most of them were related to Central and South America and the Book of Mormon, and one item was a piece of art work my father had done in preparing {it for printing}, the so-called Anthon Transcript for printing.
One day I was moved by the assemblage of objects I had been unable to throw away. I picked up three of them and went to see my mother in the living room. “Mom, these things are trying to tell me something and I haven’t any idea what.” She shook her head, but said nothing and I returned to the bedroom wondering what my feelings meant.
Just a few days later, on May 17, my mother gave me her personal copy of a Book of Mormon. Some years earlier she had worked on a Short Version of the Book of Mormon. Her idea had been to retain all wording and {story} of the Book of Mormon but to delete many sections which carried no real story or doctrine, with the objective to make it more interesting and readable. The copy she gave me was heavily underlined as her ideas of what should go into the Short Version.
That night she went to bed at about 9:00 p.m. and I went to the living room with her {marked-up} Book of Mormon. I sat and, as if it had a mind of its own, it fell open to the Title Page and I read:
Suddenly, I felt a surge of inspiration from what I firmly believe was the Holy Spirit and thought, “That’s IT!” I had received a sudden, firm conviction that THIS was the key to the content of the Caractors Transcript. I immediately stood and went to the bedroom where I got my dad’s art work. I set to studying the characters along with the Title Page of the Book of Mormon to try to gain some understanding of what the unique characters might mean. I had studied the characters for about two hours and had about come to the conclusion that I wouldn’t be any more successful than in the several other times that I had reviewed copies of the transcript with great fascination.
Still, I was convinced that the Title Page held the answer. With resignation, I stood, planning to go to bed, when I suddenly and distinctly heard a single, quietly spoken word, “Patience.” It wasn’t spoken aloud, but I distinctly heard the word in my head. It wasn’t in the form of a command, but I understood it as a gentle reminder that I was simply being too impatient to find the answer immediately.
I was obedient to the gentle admonition and sat again to study the page of characters. After about 15 minutes I discovered a set of characters which I now identify as character string G46 through G49. Only moments later I noted a similar string of characters from F17 through F21 with one character (F19) being different. “Aha!” I thought. “If only I can find two similar strings of English words in the Book of Mormon I will know what that character means!” [Note that the examples throughout this site show how the readings would be understood when the characters are read from right-to-left.]
I have no idea why I thought that each character should represent a word rather than an alphabetic character. I also do not know why I now assumed that the text should read from right-to-left. Until that moment I had never questioned that the text should read left-to-right. At that moment I wasn’t even aware that my understanding of these things had changed. I cannot explain the presence of these new convictions, but I attribute them to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Looking back, these things just seemed to be so, and totally unaware of the changes in my thinking, I proceeded with these new assumptions as I turned to the Title Page of the Book of Mormon in search of matching English words.
Since the character string G46-G49 was at the (left) end of the line I looked at the end of the second paragraph, but could find no matching words above them. Then my eyes fell on the last sentence of the first paragraph and saw the words, “the gift of God.” which were repeated just above with the word “POWER” in the center.
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“Written, and sealed up, and hid unto the Lord, that they might not be destroyed; to come forth by the gift and POWER of God unto the interpretation thereof; sealed by the hand of Moroni, and hid up unto the Lord, to come forth in due time by the way of Gentile; the interpretation thereof by the gift of God.” (Last sentence of the first paragraph, Title Page, Book of Mormon; emphasis added.) |
“That is ‘POWER!'” I said to myself, referring to character F19. I was totally electrified! “Then this (F17) must be ‘the’; that is ‘gift (F18);’ that is ‘God (F20);‘ and this (F21) must be a period at the end of the sentence!” I was mostly wrong in making those assumptions, but it was a starting point and from that time the understanding of the marvelous message began to expand.
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I studied the characters for another hour or so and discovered a string of characters I now ‘knew’ were from the plates of Nephi (A9-A13) and recognized that the first string of characters (A1-A4) must be something about the account from Mormon. I went to bed on a spiritual high, but there was to be no sleep for some time. I prayed and pondered what I had discovered and wondered what to do about it. |
About two o’clock my mother got up for a nocturnal visit. I was so excited that I stopped her as she returned to her room.
“Mom, I’ve GOT to show you something!”
We sat at the kitchen table comparing phrases in the Title Page of the Book of Mormon with character strings in the Caractors Transcript for about two hours. Twice more that night, I received a new insight and pointed it out to my mother. By the time we finally went to bed, I had identified the specific words from [A9], the [A10], plates [A11], of [A12], and [B9]. The other portions revealed to me that night were phrases or words which later turned out to be combinations of the basic characters, which I term PRIMITIVEs: by the gift of God [G46-G49], by the gift and power of God [F17-F20], an account by Mormon [A1-A4], Nephi [A13], Laman [B8], prophecy [B22], and revelation [B23].
While I believe that these key words were given to me by inspiration from God in that first night, the development of the translation has been a long, arduous process, and I do not believe it is finished at this time, five years later {now 22 years later}. I extended my stay with my mother and spent the next five weeks, finishing up the details of preparing for her move, but spending much of my time on the Caractors Transcript.
I visited the Community of Christ Temple Library, and carefully compared the original document with my father’s art work, trying to make certain that I would not be relying on an inaccurate copy when I returned to Germany. I found several errors in my dad’s work, to include blurring of some characters due to lack of recognition of their intended shape, omission of some details and inadvertent inclusion of photocopying errors.
I worked late into the night, often as late as 2:00 am. Sometimes I would sleep only a couple of hours, and would awaken with some new insight, which I knew I must test to insure that it would match the meaning of the surrounding characters everywhere it showed up in the text. Many of the times when I got up in the middle of the night, I sat at the dining room table, poring over the unique characters, trying to obtain some sense of their meaning. Sometimes, my ‘insights’ were strengthened by the study and they became a part of my expanding understanding. Sometimes they had to be rejected because they were incompatible with the surrounding text in other areas. I frequently found that even the rejected insights often eventually led to a still better understanding of the overall text. Within a year I felt I had developed a pretty good tentative translation. Throughout this period I felt led in my studies, but I knew I still had only a partial translation. Very early, I recognized the Caractors Transcript as being an expansion of the content which was in the Title Page of the Book of Mormon. It wasn’t until I had a tentative translation, around the summer of 1995, that I began to study Egyptian hieroglyphics. I was beginning to be of the opinion that I never would be able to get the meaning of all of it. I seemed to be at a plateau of understanding, and began to feel the need to study Egyptian to see if I could find the source of the Nephite characters in Egyptian characters, and perhaps learn more from a new direction. In the process, I learned a lot about Egyptian writing. and found that there were three different forms of Egyptian script in use around 600 BC {when the Nephites left the Land of Jerusalem}.
By the time I started studying Egyptian, I had recognized that the Caractors Transcript characters were conveying meaning, rather than pronunciation. This understanding has remained unchanged in all of my studies. To date, there is no hint (that I can find) of anything in the Caractors Transcript that conveys the pronunciation of the words. Everything appears to be centered on the original Egyptian meanings of the ideographs, rather than on sounds.
I didn’t consciously ponder whether I should leave my work on the computer — I just did it with no prior thought about it at all, and believe that the Holy Spirit was gently guiding me. I hadn’t been looking at Budge’s book very long, when I noticed the hieroglyphic which was pronounced ‘neb‘ but which had the meanings of lord, all, bowl (page 91). I was struck between the similarity between the bowl-shape which meant lord in Egyptian and the cup-shaped character in the Caractors Transcript, which I felt certain also meant Lord. I started searching through the many examples in the book. Shortly, I came across several instances in which lord obviously referred to a king or person of influence. Was there an example in which it referred to a god and not to a human?
The quote was from the Stele of Panehesi from the XIXth dynasty (1320-1200 BC, or over 200 years prior to the time of King David in Jerusalem), and had been taken from a reference by Brugsch (Monuments de l’Egypte, Plate 3), but of course, what most moved me was the identical meaning of similar characters in the Nephite and Egyptian forms of Lord and that they could refer to God, the creator of all things! This was the first concrete evidence I had that I was on the right track! I was so enthused that I started searching both the Budge and Brugsch texts for anything in which shape and meaning were similar to other Caractors Transcript characters. I soon found a striking number of similarities, not so much in the demotic, but in the much older hieroglyphics! In fact, I have found so many matches of meaning and shape (albeit highly abbreviated) that I feel that it is highly improbable that all of them could be wrong. This does not mean that I feel confident that all of my matches are right. I probably am not quite on target in some places. I believe that I have now found the ancient Egyptian sources for most of the 20 Nephite ROOT characters. Their original Egyptian meanings are logically converted into similar meanings in the Nephite language. Various combinations of the ROOTs yield even more complex concepts which still may be traced to the original Egyptian meanings. I have now broken each character into its ROOT elements and assigned an ASCII character to each. By placing these ASCII characters in the corresponding positions as they are read, one may use a computer’s word processing program to produce a transliteration. This transliteration, although it is not in grammatical structure of today’s English, produces the words which I have rendered into the English translation. The character string A9-A13 (see the following table) is provided as an example. At the top of the figure are the Egyptian characters from which I believe the Nephite characters were derived. Above the codes are the Nephite characters as copied from the Caractors Transcript. Below the Nephite characters are the subdivisions which reflect the original positioning of the Egyptian characters at the top. In the first line of the text is the original Egyptian meaning, while the second line shows the meaning as translated into the Nephite writing. The third line shows the ASCII characters which I have used to represent the composition of each Nephite character. Throughout the text an exclamation point (! as in A9) means from; a tilde (~ as at A10) means one of the, to, or for; an open parentheses means of ( ( as in A12); a close parentheses means tongue as in element 2 of A11 and 2 & 4 of A13); the question mark means causedtobe as in elements 1 & 3 of A13; and the last unexplained element, obelisk {I now believe the Egyptian source was a ‘pillar’ rather than obelisk} is represented by | in A11. The first line is a direct result of taking the meanings of each ASCII character and converting it into Egyptian and the second line is derived by substituting the Nephite ROOTS into their transliteral meanings in the complex phrases (A11 and A13 in the example). Finally, my interpretation of the English meaning of the Nephite transliteration is shown in the last line.
A computer word processing system can rapidly change every ! to from, every ~ to the/to/for, and every ( to of throughout the text. The results of these changes for all 20 ROOT characters shows the EGYPTIAN MEANING throughout the text. A second change makes all instances of oftongue into its Nephite translation of testimony. All proper nouns, such as Nephi (A13) and other complex characters, are similarly treated with word processing changes. The Nephite word, WORD is derived from the Egyptian combination of causedtobetongue. {Think in terms of ’causedtobeSPOKEN=WORD} The name of Nephi is a double of WORD (WORDWORD — Nephi wrote two records), and thus, wherever WORDWORD appears, the word processing program changes it into Nephi. The name of Jesus is at C6 and the Nephite character for Jesus literally means WORDOFGOD (Egyptian: causedtobetongueofLord). The character analysis shown here has been applied throughout the 216 characters of the Caractors Transcript, to give the translation shown at The Translation, (future page and link) which documents a complete character-by-character literal translation, as well as the corresponding English translation. A computer can be instructed (programmed) to consistently change a given ASCII character into an Egyptian word, which is then changed into its Nephite meaning through a five step process. This is a wholly objective process, and is not the result of the translator trying to bend some presumed reading into the characters. The rules which govern the computer’s word processing exchanges were discovered through detailed analysis, by making many intermediary hypotheses, checking them to insure that the supposed meanings were consistent in all areas of the text, and then identifying the rules which led to those consistencies. The consistency of application of meaning of a character in multiple locations makes the connections much more plausible than if the meaning were to be applied to only a single set of characters. Statistically, a multiple set of characters in a cryptic message cannot make sense in multiple areas without signifying that there is significant meaning associated with that grouping of characters. At present, the serious critic will take issue not with WHETHER I have found a message, but rather HOW CLOSELY have I understood the correct interpretation of what the original author(s) was trying to say. The critic may also question the authenticity of the original document. I leave that question in the hands of others {but will cover it in other portions of this blog}. What I do know, and what every serious critic who studies this work can see, is that there IS a message there, and that I didn’t create it. I believe that I have also found the heart, if not the full intent, of that message. I believe that I was guided by the Spirit of God in all of these areas. Where I have failed to reach the authors’ intended meaning, it is because I was not close enough to that Spirit to receive a full insight. I lay it to my human frailty, and my almost fear of approaching the Almighty too closely, which has kept me from a more perfect interpretation. I deeply regret my human deficiencies in this, but I know that God works with people the way they are, and that no matter how close I could get my humanity to approach God, I still couldn’t get it perfectly. I may have had a BETTER interpretation, but it would still be less than perfect. Thus, I present this work to the world, even with its imperfections, as being an inspired gift by the power of God for His Covenant People, the Lamanites, the Jews, all other Israelites and, indeed, for the entire human race. There IS a message in those unique characters. How adequately I have interpreted that message may well be open to debate. Anyone who will take the time to study my work will find that by following the rules of reading the characters, the message comes through, not in English language structure, but the words of the message ARE there. When scholars have established the grammatical structure, analyzed the text, and corrected my errors, we may well be able to come to a complete and dependable understanding of what that message says. Until that time, the content of my English translation should not be cited as having the exact meaning that I now say I think it has. To treat it as an authoritative translation would assume that I possess a level of understanding that I do not claim. As the Book of Mormon title page says, ‘if there are faults they are the mistakes of men; wherefore, condemn not the things of God.’ I willingly acknowledge that it was as a GIFT OF GOD which led me to the translation, but any mistakes are MINE. I don’t know what my errors are, because I simply do not have the background required to fully comprehend the text. {Note my use of brackets to update this 1999 testimony. You will find that changes are mainly to clarify obscurities or inaccuracies in my original writing or to point out a new insight as to the intended meaning. Otherwise, this article is basically unchanged since 1999. AT NO POINT HAVE I FOUND THAT THE ORIGINAL GIFT OF THE MEANINGS OF THOSE TEN ORIGINAL WORDS IN 1994 WERE INCORRECT. THIS TRANSLATION, EVEN IN ITS UPDATED FORM, STILL BEARS THE SAME BASIC MESSAGE FROM GOD, THAT I HAD DISCOVERED BY 1999! IT IS A GIFT FROM GOD: A TESTIMONY THAT JESUS IS THE CHRIST, AND WAS GIVEN TO US BY WAY OF THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY AND REVELATION. AND IT WAS PREPARED BY GOD’S SERVANTS, MORMON AND MORONI FOR ALL OF MANKIND. PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!} {I do not boast of my discovery. I know the interpretation is still flawed and take full responsibility for my human fallibility. Nevertheless, I feel a great sense of awe in the awareness that this discovery was GIVEN to me–Why me? I did not seek the key–it was a GIFT to me. But it was a gift that I willingly acknowledge. I accept the responsibility for the translation, and even in its imperfection, I give praises to God for the message it brings! The experience that night was AWESOME, and I am simply reporting what happened to ME! This is MY testimony and I am trying to share it with the world! I wish I could shout it to the hill tops! The Greatest meaning of that Message to me, is that GOD STILL REVEALS HIMSELF TO ANYONE WHO WILL OPEN HIS/HER EARS AND LISTEN–AND OBEY! Blair Bryant, 9/6/16md}
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