You have arrived at a book dealing with an innovative approach to Particle Physics.
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These characters shown on the left were engraved on metal plates about 1600 years ago. The characters were derived from ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics and were copied from the metal plates onto 19th century paper using home-made ink and a quill pen in 1827.
Please click below to view or download the October 2022 updated Particle Physics book on TOPS (10/18/22: Link & Document Updated)
If PHYSICS is your interest, welcome to the world of TOPS. In the TOPS world, you will learn of a new approach to Particle Physics from a 15 Chapter book.
The Theory of Particle Structure (TOPS) is first described, in Chapter 1.
- Is it possible that our high-energy accelerators at FermiLab and CERN can produce tiny black holes? Chapter 14 discusses black holes.
- If you just want a summary of everything TOPS, go to Chapter 12.
- To explore the world of TOPS, start at the beginning!

Wherever you start, I will guarantee you will find things about physics that you’ve never seen before!
But TOPS is simple physics!
You don’t need to know advanced physics of quantum or String Theory or any other esoteric sets of advanced concepts. If you understand the basic concepts of electric charge, force and energy, I will show you how to find the mass of every subatomic particle in the universe. You will find it all summarized in Chapter 12.
TOPS addresses uncomfortable topics such as:
- The fundamental source of all mass.
- The imbalance of matter and anti-matter in our universe.
- The meaning of Sommerfeld’s Fine Structure constant, α = 0.0072973, which is very close to the inverse of the number 137.
- Planck’s Constant holds at all levels, including the lowest, Sparq-level, but here we must consider relativity limitations.
- The source of much of the ‘missing’ dark matter in the universe.
Most physicists manage to ignore such topics for normal work, but those questions are always THERE. Is it possible that TOPS can provide insight into such questions?
This a new book I call TOPS (spelled in Greek letters, ТΩΠΣ) that discusses these topics and more. The book is finally finished and I claim copyright on the content, but if I find errors, I will correct them. Feel free to copy the equations and study them. I request only that you not try to change them publicly without working through me. You may have better insights that can help me in correcting any errors in logic or mathematics which have escaped me. I welcome constructive criticism and will share credit with those who assist in further development of the TOPS concepts.