Currently Understood Translation
The following is the translators best current interpretation of the message found in the Caractors Transcript. See other sections of this site for an introduction, overview and process by which this translation has been extracted from the Caractors found in this document.
(The original message was not written in English and the translator suggests that the following interpretation is the intended message in today’s English.)
1a An account abridged and preserved from two records by Mormon, taken from sacred plates writings, transcribed from one set of plates to another. [A1-A6]
1b Christ directed the interpretation of this record from the Testimony of God plates (Ether’s record) [and] from the Testimony (Large) plates of Nephi. [A7-A13]
1c This interpretation is by commandment and power in the Hebrew language and is a Christ-inspired gift, [A14-a18]
1d from Christ-language plates (Jaredite record) are for the tribe of Israel, a marvelous gift to God’s covenant people. [A19-A22]
1e The Christ-directed the Jaredite record, by commandment, is to be included in the plates of this tribe of Israel (Nephite record) and in the Christ-directed plates writings for prophecy to Israel (Bible, Old Testament). [A23-A25]
2a The Nephite record is from sacred plates inspired by Christ. [A26-B1]
2b This Christ-inspired record is for the people of Israel and the Jews, written by Commandment of Christ. [B2-B6]
3a The Nephite record from sacred plates writings is an account of the people of Laman and Nephi, [B7-B11]
3b preserved by God by Moroni, for the people of Israel, a marvelous gift, in the Christ-inspired prophetic plates for Israel. [B12-B16]
3c The Nephite record was Christ-inspired by commandment, by way of the Spirit of prophecy and revelation. [B17-B23]
4a The Jaredite record of prophecy was abridged by commandment from the record in the language of the Christ (Jaredite). [B24-C4]
4b It was abridged by the strongest commandment from Jesus as a revelation of the Christ. [C5-C10]
4c It was abridged from the Jaredite language record of the tribe of the Brother of Jared in the Jesus-is-God testimony plates. [C11-C16]
5a This record of prophecy in the Hebrew language preserves the Jaredite language record of three peoples by the Spirit, [C17-C20]
5b from the people from Ether’s prophecy, Laman and Nephi. [C21-C25]
5c. The Jaredite plates, and Christ-directed plates for Israel are Christ-inspired and were preserved by Mormon for God’s covenant people. [D1-D7]
5d These accounts from sacred plates writings are from Jesus, a marvelous gift to His covenant people from Mormon. [D8-D11]
6a The Nephite record is by the Spirit, to the covenant peoples of Ether’s word and Laman, and for the Jewish record from the abridged account of the people of Israel. [D12-D20]
(The translator acknowledges his inadequacy of not fully understanding the intended meaning by both authors: Mormon and Moroni. Others are encouraged to submit proposed rewordings which should improve the translation.)
7 The interpretation of the Jaredite sacred plates by Moroni. [E1-E-4]
8 The Christ-inspired plates from the Jaredite record is by the strongest commandment and power for the people of Israel. [E5-E9]
9 Mormon preserved this record from the Hebrew language translated by King Mosiah from the Jaredite language in the plates which testified of Christ to the Jaredite people. [E10-E18]
10a The book of Mormon was Christ-inspired, written as a marvelous gift by the power of God to His covenant people, on plates in the language of the people of Israel, [E19-E25]
10b the interpretation of which was preserved through the spirit of prophecy for the Jews, abridged from the plates in the Nephite (Hebrew) language, [E26-E35]
10c testifying to the Jews that Jesus Christ is God, the Son of the Sovereign God by commandment for the tribes of Israel. [F1-F8]
11 The account of the Jaredite people is for all of Israel, moreover, it was translated and inspired of Christ by commandment in the language of Judah (Hebrew). [F9-F16]
12 The account of the Jaredite people from sacred plates is by power, a marvelous gift of God to His covenant people. [F17-F21]
13 The Jaredite interpretation by Moroni is by power and commandment. [F22-F26]
14 The Jaredite record was preserved by God and written for Israel. [F27-F30]
15 The Brother of Jared account from the Jaredite record was for the people of Israel and written on Christ-inspired plates. [F31-F33]
16 The Brother of Jared’s account from King Mosiah’s translation in the Nephite language is a gift to the Jews by commandment to Mormon. [F34-G6]
17 The interpretation of the Jaredite record from the Christ-inspired plates writings is by the commandment of Jesus for Israel. [G7-G12]
18 The Nephite record account of this people of Christ is a testimony for the Jew s. [G13-G17]
19 The interpretation from the Jaredite language (Christ language) is by commandment in the Nephite record for Jesus’ people of the tribes of Israel. [G18-G25]
20a The Jaredites’ prophetic plates are by the Spirit, prophecies for the people of Judah, [G26-G30]
20b from prophecies preserved by Mormon, from the Brother of Jared record by King Mosiah, and from Nephi of Israel; [G31-G38]
20c the interpretation, by commandment to include the Brother of Jared people record in the Hebrew language is Christ-inspired. [G39-G44]
20d The interpretation of the Jaredite record from sacred plates writings is a marvelous gift to God’s covenant people. [G45-G49]
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