Do it Yourself!
In an effort to make this process as accessible to people as possible, I’m providing the following 8 files, which will allow you to explore my methods, assumptions, interpretations, etc. and provide feedback to help refine the process, and further clarify the intent of the original authors.
You may use Windows’ “right click” to SaveAs and download each of these files to a location on your personal PC. Then, open and read the “Read Me First” file for instructions on how to proceed.
Download these file:
- 1 READ ME FIRST (Read Only)
- 2 MASTER CT online(read only)
- 3 MASTER CT online
- 4 End Step One Egyptian
- 5 End Step Two_Three
- 6 End Step Four_Names
- 7 End Step Five_Determine THETOFOR and SPOKEN
- 8 ORDER FROM CHAOS 1 (my free e-Book about the translation)